Monday 5 May 2014

Double 5

Today is 5.5.2014
I'm just being in my own world. 
Let the picture speak for me!

Breaking point

Everyone has their breaking point.
Once they reach their breaking point, some will commit suicide, depressed, or lost hope.
In this world, there's two types of people, either they are busy living or busy dying.
I don't know if I'm reaching my breaking point. I just feel like things that revolving around is getting annoying. Even you.
I'm so fed up with everything.
So i will either busy dying or busy living?

Thursday 10 April 2014


To keep coming back to the mind of someone especially in a way that makes the person sad or upset

Almost every night I'll be in this situation where it's slowly became uncontrollable.
Without any permissions, Images, voices, thoughts, they creep into my mind from nowhere.
I can't find words to replace what I'm feeling right now. 
They like disease, killing my immune system, eaten up every good pieces I got.
Or they'll like bacteria, virus, slowly eaten up my brain.

I'm exhausted with uncontrollable emotions. I'm tighted up with emotions rope, I can't breath.

I want to scream, but there's no voice coming out.
I want to cry out loud, but my tears all dried up.
I want to run, escape and hide, but where is my sanctuary ?

Listen no more to your words, because, every time I'll need to take the consequences of being "haunted".

Elimination is the hardest part. You'll be eliminate if youre not good enough, not up to their expectation, and you're in different range different frequency. 

I think I'm being eliminated by you. Because I no longer your "everything". 

It'll be better if I never meet you, we never bump into the same uni and same course, things will be so different right now. 
You'll have your life, and I'll have mine. 

Now, enough is enough. I don't find it useful for having this emotional thoughts and unwanted thinking ruined my daily life. I need to shut it all down. Shut down my emotional factory. 

"Haunted" will be no more. 

Monday 17 March 2014

my foolish heart












Wednesday 29 January 2014


Happiness. I think everyone would "fight" for happiness. Why do I state such a strong statement ? People fight for a happy life that they would be wealthy, which wealthy for them is strongly related with "happiness". As people grow older, they tend to forget what is the root of happiness. People think that wealthy, their reputation would give them happiness. Despite of all this, did people really found what they wanted ? 

Still remember, we are once a young innocent soul, happiness is what we have, somehow is something that innate in our life. Nevertheless, as we grow, we trying to achieve parents expectations, try our best to flatter other people or whatsoever, since then we started to "abandoned" this super power. We started to live a life than revolving people, not ourself anymore. 

yet, not everyone appreciate what they have and they thought they bought happiness.